History in ENGLISH
The 24 November 1921 the lodge “Den Flammende Stjerne” (The Blazing Star) was founded.
The Lodge hall was inauguration by the Grand Master and Officers from S. O. D. N. Also Members of the Lodge “Pax Interna” was present. The Lodge “Pax Interna” had admitted the founders of “Den Flammende Stjerne” as members and thereby made it possible to found the Lodge in Odense.
The first Master of the Lodge was br. Jul Hansen
After the festive prelude which the inauguration had been the ordinary daily work was carried out in the lodge. It was not always easy for the brethrens. The relative fast promotion in the grades necessarily caused that the work was groping and hesitating. Beside that the hall was used for many other purpose which implied that before every meeting the hall had to be converted to a Lodge. The windows had to be dimmed and the door was made soundproof by help of some mattress. After each meeting everything had to be taken back to normal.
In the beginning of 1924 it was decided that new rooms for the Lodge should be found.
Pantheonsgade 5-7
After a few months’ The Master and Officers found accommodation suitable for the purpose in Pantheonsgade 5-7. Inauguration of the new Hall took place 4 May 1924.
The Lodge was working in peace and harmony for quite some years. It was a god period for the Lodge and a lot of new brethrens were admitted. The work in the lodge went on according to the rules and a great deal was done connecting to other Lodge in the country.
Around 1929 there was some displeasure with the Lodge Building. The Hall was not the problem; it was an inviting and beautifully room. The meeting room was also a very beautifully room with a high wainscot made of oak, sofas build in the walls and fine-looking parquet flooring.
Unfortunately, the Lodge had to share the cloakroom with one of the other tenants of the building. Furthermore, there was a restaurant in the building and one of the rooms in the restaurant was let out to a dancing school. The interference from the dancing school disturbed during the meetings.
The Lodge brethrens did also find it a lack that it was not possibly to have a brethren’s meal or even a cop of coffee after the meetings.
An agreement serving open sandwiches in the meeting room was set up with the restaurant; but the arrangement did not work out satisfactorily.
Last not least the house rent was so high that it was oppressive on the economy of the Lodged.
Due to the mentioned circumstances notice to quiet the tenancy was given and the head of the Lodge started to look for other suitable accommodation.
Kongensgade 31
In the beginning of 1929 the Lodge was offered a 5 rooms flat in Kongensgade 31 (the Kings Street.) This flat could be converted into a handsome Hall and a meeting room. Furthermore, it was possible to have a 3 rooms flat to let out for a matron. By this arrangement the culinary problem was solved.
The Lodge leadership decided to rent the flat and in the end of April 1929 the rooms was converted and ready to be used as a Lodge. The 28th April 1929 the inauguration of the Lodge Hall was held.
Ahead of this ceremony The Master of the Lodge announced that Storlogen af Danmark (the Grand Lodge of Denmark) was establish and emphasised the far-reaching importance this future work would be to the Lodge.
In the period after the opening ceremony work was in signs of the Grand Lodge.
In 1930 another event took place being of great importance not only to “Den Flammende Stjerne”, but also for other lodges in the country. The widow foundation “Den brudte Søjle” (“The broken Column”) was established.
Since the foundation was founded it has rendered considerable financial help to many brethren’s widows.
At he moment the foundation has a disposal of over 1,000,000.00 Danish kroner.
The fittings of the new Lodge had been rather expensive. It seemed that the brethren were using the modern way to finance the project using money not yet in their pockets.
The Lodge had to take up loans.
The financial conditions were not without importance to the Lodge development.
A Stagnation appears. Although relatively many brethrens joined the lodge some of the new brethrens caused quite some damaged and should never have become members of the Lodge.
To some extent excuses can be accepted, as the financial situation of the Lodge seemed to have a deadening watchfulness benefit; whenever new brethren’s was to be admitted.
Building fund
As the time past on and the situation in the Lodge improved the brethrens talked about the possibility of getting a lodge building of their own. It was a fervently wish for everybody but also a dream which could not come true. Because of that no one suggested the possibility.
But it was of great pleasure to everyone when the Master of The Lodge in September 1938 did announce that one of the brethren anonymously had given a money box containing 50 Danish kroner as well as a letter in which he pronounced that the amount hopefully would be used as foundation of a Building fund. He also hoped that the money box would be placed in the lodge so brethrens could put contribution into it whenever they felt for it. The Ex-Master should be in charge of the collected funds.
Furthermore he promised another 3 by 50 kroner in future.
All brethren was interesting and it was immediately decided that the box should circulate at coffee table after meetings. The Foundations of the Building Fund was arranged in accordance with the donor’s desire.
The Building Fund had all brethrens attention. Shortly after the Fund was established one of the brethren made a new box formed as a building. This box has circulated around the table evening after evening and collected coin and notes from the brethren – sometimes even big notes. Every evening the target which seemed unattainable came at little closer.
In June 1945 another anonymously brethren wanted to donated 300 Danish kroner to the Fund.
Kongensgade 28
Around new year 1940 the Lodge received notice to quit the flat. It was a surprise. For a long time it had been know that the cinema using most of the ground floor should be renovated and it had been discussed how the entrance to the Lodge would become after modernisation but they had never expected to receive a notice to quit.
When the Lodge ended the season in the spring 1940 they had still not found any replacement. The Master announced that the monthly meeting in the summer months would be carried out in “Fyns Forsamlingshus” (Funen Meeting House.)
It was expected that new premises was available when Autumn Season started.
The summer became a busy time for the Master and his Officer. It was very hard to find suitable premises in the central part of the city at a payable rent which would be within the Lodge financial ability.
They succeeded at last. In Kongensgade 28 they found some rooms which needed only few changes. At the end of the summer everything was ready for next season in the Lodge.
A few of the brethrens put a lot of labour of their own hands which made it possible within few expenses for the Lodge to create a handsome Lodge Hall.
Another benefit was that the rent of No. 28 was 30 percent lower the previous rent. So it is understandably that the brethrens was happy about the Lodge executive.
The Grand Master Georg Hansen performed on the 12th October 1940 inauguration of the new Hall and most of the Lodge brethrens was present together with many brethren from other Lodge under the Grand Lodge of Denmark.
Five dark years.
In the last years before moving to the address at No 28 the brethren often thought about the hard fate freemasonry the southerly dictator country was below. Many warm and sympathetic words were given to brethrens in those counties.
Not many brethren could imaginary that the Danish freemasonry could end op in the same situation.
The German occupation of Denmark that fateful day in April 1940 gave the whole Danish nation oppressive
fear for the future. Fear for loosing the intellectually freedom and end up in darkness and despair.
Being Danish citizen the Free Mason had to take their part of these depressed feelings and furthermore think of the freemasonry special problems.
Because of the circumstance it vas creditable for the Lodge executive that they created a new place for the Lodge with great vigour where the brethren could catch the strength to get through the hard days.
And it was hard days. In the beginning everything was normal. The meetings were hold as usually. Of cause there was a gloomy atmosphere and the uneasiness for what may happen was discussed. But all brethrens was determined not to give up.
Gradually, as the occupying powers act of terrorism increases and curfew was more and more frequent it was necessary to give up the planned schedule for the meetings as well as it was decided to meet in ordinary dress so the brethrens were not to conspicuous.
The faith for change was strong and unshakeable among the brethren that once again the freemasonry would work freely. This feeling was so strong that during the darkest period the Lodge joined a one new brethren. Furthermore plans to convene the brethrens were prepared to bring the Lodge value in safety.